Aug 27, 2023
The Revelation
Series: The Ministry of the Word
Eccl 8:4
Apocalypse 5:11
Apocalypse 19:16
Proverbes 14:19
1 Rois 17:1
Exode 4:12
Luc 24:32
Ephésiens 3:10
1 Samuel 17:4-7, 8, 26
Jean 6:5
2 Corinthiens 5:16
Matthieu 16:17-19
2 Rois 6:15-17
1 Rois 18:29
Exode 20:12
Psaumes 46:1
Luc 4:24-27
Psaumes 20:1
Psaumes 20:1-4
- Aug 27, 2023The Revelation
Aug 27, 2023The RevelationSeries: The Ministry of the WordScriptures ---------- Eccl 8:4 Apocalypse 5:11 Apocalypse 19:16 Proverbes 14:19 1 Rois 17:1 Exode 4:12 Luc 24:32 Ephésiens 3:10 1 Samuel 17:4-7, 8, 26 Jean 6:5 2 Corinthiens 5:16 Matthieu 16:17-19 2 Rois 6:15-17 1 Rois 18:29 Exode 20:12 Psaumes 46:1 Luc 4:24-27 Psaumes 20:1 Psaumes 20:1-4
- Aug 20, 2023The Word of the King
Aug 20, 2023The Word of the KingSeries: The Ministry of the WordScriptures ---------- Eccl 8:4 2 Tim 4:11-13 Genèse 27:28-33 Apocalypse 5:11 Apocalypse 19:16 Colossiens 2:15 1 Corinthiens 15:55 Psaumes 141:3 Jean 1:1 Jean 1:3 Gen 1:1-3 1 Jean 1:5 Esaïe 9:1 Esaïe 60:2 Psaumes 116:10 2 Corinthiens 4:13 Ézéchiel 2:2 2 Pierre 1:2 Jean 11:35-44 Matthieu 8:16 Marc 4:39-41 1 Rois 17:1 Ézéchiel 37:4-5 Daniel 5:27 Proverbes 30:30 Job 22:29
- Aug 13, 2023Use your Mouth Constructively
Aug 13, 2023Use your Mouth ConstructivelySeries: The Ministry of the WordTitle: Use your Mouth to build your Life (Use your Mouth Constructively) by Apostle Guy J. Tanoh Scriptures ---------- Proverbes 18:7 Psaumes 141:3 Jacques 1:26 Luc 1:5-9, 11-13, 18-20 Genèse 18:9-14 Genèse 27:37 Jean 6:63 Josué 3:13 Jean 14:10 Luc 4:12 Apocalypse 1:16 Apocalypse 2:16
- Aug 6, 2023The Importance of the Spoken Word by Apostle Guy J. Tanoh
Aug 6, 2023The Importance of the Spoken Word by Apostle Guy J. TanohSeries: (All)The Importance of the Spoken Word by Apostle Guy J. Tanoh Scriptures: ---------- Acts 6:4 Hebrews 4:12-13 John 17:17 Acts 20:32 Psalms 107:20 Genesis 2:2 John 9:4 Acts 7:55 Jeremiah 1:5-6 Isaiah 6:5-7 Matthew 12:36-37 Genesis 2:9 Revelations 22:1-2 Proverbs 15:4 Proverbs 18:7 James 3:4-5 Mark 10:46-47 Romans 4:17 John 1:1-3 I John 1 :1 ---------- Thank you for supporting the ministry at
- Jul 30, 2023The Heart: The Gate of the Spirit by Apostle Guy J. Tanoh
Jul 30, 2023The Heart: The Gate of the Spirit by Apostle Guy J. TanohSeries: (All)The Heart: The Gate of the Spirit by Apostle Guy J. Tanoh Scriptures ---------- Hebrews 4:12-13 1 Corinthians 6:17 Hebrews 4: 1-11 Numbers 13:27-30 Hebrews 3:10-12 Ezekiel 11:19 1 Corinthians 2:9 Romans 6:2,11 Romans 8:6 1 Corinthians 4:15 Romans 10:9 ---------- Thank you for supporting the ministry at
- Jul 23, 2023Separation Between Soul And Spirit
Jul 23, 2023Separation Between Soul And SpiritSeries: The Ministry of the WordScriptures ---------- Hebrews 4:1-12 Hebrews 1:1-5 Hebrews 2:1 Matthew 11:28-29 Matthew 13:5-7 Psalms 119:18
- Jul 12, 2023The Importance of the Word Part 2
Jul 12, 2023The Importance of the Word Part 2Series: The Ministry of the WordTitle:The Importance of the Word by Apostle Guy J. Tanoh Scriptures ---------- Proverbs 23: 23 I Timothy 4:13 Acts 6: 2, 4 Matthew 4:4 I Peter 1:23 John 1:12 John 4:22, 24 Matthew 22:29 I Corinthians 14:29 Mark 2:8 John 14:15 Esdras 7: 9-10 Joshua 1:8-9 Job 32:8 Job 14:7-9 John 8:32 Deteuronomy 7:14 Proverbs 4:20-22 Daniel 9:2-3 Exodus 34:29 John 17:17 II Thessalonians 2:13-14 II Corinthians 3:18 Philippians 4:9 Ezekiel 2:1
- Jul 2, 2023The Importance of the Word by Apostle Guy J. Tanoh
Jul 2, 2023The Importance of the Word by Apostle Guy J. TanohSeries: The Ministry of the WordThe Importance of the Word by Apostle Guy J. Tanoh Scriptures ---------- Acts 6:4 Psalms 119:97-99 II Timothy 3:16 Genesis 3:8 John 17:14 John 1:1-3 John 15:7 Luke 4:18 Romans 12:2 Joshua 1:8 1 John 5:14 Luke 1:1-3 I Timothy 4:13-15 John 1:9 Romaans 10:17 John 6:6 ---------- Thank you for supporting the ministry at
- May 28, 2023Life Through the Spirit by Apostle Guy J. Tanoh
May 28, 2023Life Through the Spirit by Apostle Guy J. TanohSeries: (All)Life Through the Spirit by Apostle Guy J. Tanoh Scriptures: 1 Thes.5v23 Zak.4 v 5-6 Col.2v13-14 2Cor.5v17-18 Jean 20 :22 Rom.7v24 Rom.8v1, 9-11 Eph.4v22-24 Pro.20v27 Jn.4v24 Act 5:3 Ps.103v1-2 Heb.4v12 Luc.1v46-47 Jn.3v6 Jac.1v22-25 2 Rois 6:12-18 1 Jn 4:4 Heb 11:1-3 ---------- Thank you for supporting the ministry at
- May 21, 2023The Test of Time
May 21, 2023The Test of TimeSeries: (All)Scriptures ---------- Ps 105: 17-21 Exode 32:21-24, 26 Jean 3:6 1 Corinthiens 6:17 Proverbs 20:27 Psaumes 104:4 Exode 32:1 1 Pierre 2:5 Genèse 18:1-3 2 Rois 5:26 Luc 9:57-62