GVMC Featured Media

The Tabernacle of Moses Series

by Apostle Guy J. Tanoh (Senior Pastor, GVMC)

Change your Season

by Apostle Guy J. Tanoh (Senior Pastor, GVMC)

We feature a  Sermon by Apostle Guy J. Tanoh. This is a prophetic message for the season by “The Oracle“. Connect to the Rhema and “No One Shall Stand Before Thee”.


The Gospel of the Woman

by Apostle Guy J. Tanoh (Senior Pastor, GVMC)

Enjoy this classic, full of revelations on Women and the Gospel. Men and women alike will find this sermon full of rhema. It was originally preached at GVMC for Mother’s Day 2012. Stay Blessed…





You are a Messenger of God

by Prophetess Stephanie N’CHO (Assistant Pastor, GVMC)

The Importance of Brokenness by Apostle Guy J. Tanoh

The Test of Success by Apostle Guy J. Tanoh

Ever wondered why God hasn’t fulfilled his promises yet? The question is are you ready for greatness?  Can you handle it? Watch Apostle Guy J. Tanoh explain some of the potential traps of premature success for a Christian. If you are at the eve of your breakthrough, this message is a MUST WATCH… You will need this teaching when success comes… Shalom